Well, I've finally decided to put an entry into my spankin-new journal.
Here goes nothing.
Can you tell I'm procrastinating?
Anywho.... It's the night before the fate of my beautiful red 2003 Chevy Cavalier LS Sport Coupe is decided.
Last Friday night, let's see that was July 23 we apparently had some torrential downpours. I was kind of out of the loop since I worked all day and have no windows near my desk. I was also staying in the city that night - indoors.
Saturday morning, I get a call that cars are being towed out of the lot where I had parked it in Jersey. Apparently, the lot had flooded, which it often does. My precious car was parked in probably the lowest point, elevationally-speaking (look at me making up technical jargon.) I was in a panic that they'd tow my poor baby away. I made a zillion calls trying to find someone to survey the situation. My mom was the lucky candidate. She drove over to the lot to find it all dry and stores operating business as usual. She said my car was parked in its usual place and looked just fine.
Phew... No worries right? I took my time getting home and didn't get to Jersey until about 2 pm. There was my shiny red car waiting for me. I opened the door and gasped! MY CAR WAS FULL OF WATER! I sat on some old gym shorts and a plastic bag and brought my baby home. It drove just fine, but a bunch of the dashboard lights were on and the car lock buttons didn't work.
I spent a long while vacuuming it out. I also parked it on the slope of my driveway and watched with amazement at all the water draining out. It looked like I had washed the car in the driveway, that's how much water there was!
Long story short, some insurance guy is coming tomorrow to inspect it. I hear from friends and family and fellow Cavy owners online that there's a good chance that they will total it. : (
I don't know what to wish for. On one hand I love my car and hell, it's too young to die! On the other, a new car sounds nice, mind you this car is only 14 months old- that's how long I've been paying it off. If they total it, I would have to start from scratch....uhg.I was so happy to have a year of payments under my belt.
I'll keep you posted!
On the wacky/crazy front, I've decided to go to Nashville for the weekend. Yes, Nashville. My dear friend Diana just moved there like 2 weeks ago and so I'm going to see her. I just decided this today. I saw a great deal - $99 roundtrip so I went for it! What the heck right? Travelling alone! Wow! This is kind of a big deal for me. I'm proud of myself for just going for it. And hey, I only miss one day of work! It should be exciting. Can't wait to see ya Di!!