Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Cliche'

Well y'all it's that time of year again when people set a goal that 9 times out of ten doesn't become fulfilled. Ah, the undying tradition of the New Year's resolution.

This year I will be one of those people. I need to be! This year my best friend Kristine is getting married and I'm her maid of honor. Our dresses come in around March 15th (the ides of March). My goal is to prove that bridal shop chica wrong and to knock everyone's garters off.

I'm going to lay the cards out on the table here. Gulp. Cover your children's eyes, I'm warnin' ya, this isn't pretty, but its the painful truth.





I weigh almost 160 friggin' lbs!! I know, I can't believe it either! I think I look the same as I did when I was 149 lbs not too long ago. I'm blaming it on the holidays and not being able to go to the gym all month. I know, it's terrible, but at least I hide it well, sort of. Damn, I can't believe I just announced my ridiculous weight for all the world to see. I guess the first step is admitting I have a problem.

Anyway, when I got measured for my Maid of Honor dress I weighed closer to 150 and wore a size 8/10 (still do actually). The bridal shop owner however, decided to order me a size 16 dress! What an awful day that was. Well, my goal now is to amaze her by how large the dress is on me when I go there for the initial fitting. I hope they have to trim half of it off!!

So now it's all about eating healthier and going to the gym more regularly. I will keep you updated about my progress. Hopefully, I'll some progress pics for you too. I'm thinkin' of having Jay take one of those embarassing "before" pics where I'm wearing a bikini and looking wretched.Wish me the best y'all. And oh yeah, Happy New Year to you and yours! And good luck with your resolutions whatever they may be!


"Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."


Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Holiday Party Pics

Here are some pics from the HBO Holiday Party that was held at the Marriot Marquis on December 15 in NYC. I have video too, too bad I can't put it here. Now you can see my friends from work!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Party Time! Woo Hoo!

Today is the big HBO Holiday Party!!!

I'm starving so I can't wait to get there and pig out! It is at the Marriot Marquis and will be fabulous. How do I know? Because I went last year and it was!! Shrimp up the wazoo! I can't wait! It'll also be fun seeing my friend Youssef (Yahoo) have his annual dance-off. I brought my video camera b/c it'll be priceless!

The party starts in 34 minutes...but who's counting? ; )P

Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Jay's a Gemini!

You should be dating a Gemini 21 May - 20 June This mate is inquisitive, entertaining and
charming, liberal, broad-minded and youthful.
Though Gemini has a tendency to be impatient,
gossipy and sometimes irritable, this twin has
the ability to expresses his or her pent up
emotions during sex!

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, December 6, 2004

Birthday Bliss

Hey y'all...

It's been a while I know. I had a birthday last week - December 2nd. I'm officially on the wrong side of 25 (26). It was a great 2 days of celebrating. I have pictures to prove it but not readily available for me to include in this entry.

I received some very awesome and generous gifts this year. Diana (Jersey Girl From Nashville) sent me the coziest, coolest PJ's ever. They were so nice to come home to after dinner with the fam and Jay Thursday night. Truly a pleasant and most welcome surprise : )

Jay got me a be-yoo-ti-ful pink mini iPod! I looooooooooove it!! I have 64 songs on it so far. I love being able to download all of my favorite songs that I didn't already own. Such a great gift and pretty too!

Jay also came into the city on my birthday, brought me flowers, and we had lunch together. Such a sweetie : )

Kristine got me an adorable sweater that is totally me. I've managed to wear it twice since she gave it to me!! She also gave me a bracelet with sparkly stars on it ~ perfect for me! Last but not least a gorgeous pair of chandelier earrings - Diana would be so proud!!

I could go on and on about all of the gifts I received but I'm pooped. I just got back from the gym.

Thank you everyone for making my birthday so special. Thank you mom, dad, Aunt Felecia, Chris, Jay, June, Joe, Randi, Brian, Shara, Kristine, Diana, John, Mike, Tammy, Dave, Scott, and Christine. I hope I didn't foget anyone!!

I will post pictures soon - promise!!