Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I Did It!
I just got this email last night:
I am pleased to inform you that the Exec Bd has approved your going forward to regular membership. This momentous occasion will happen tomorrow night. I hope you can make the meeting. It starts @ 8:30pm.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
BIG 3-0!
Britney Spears is also celebrating her birthday today only she's 27. She's having a big performance on Good Morning America to celebrate. Go her! I think this is finally the comeback we've been waiting for.
Tonight Jay and I are going to The Melting Pot for dinner - can't wait. I hope my sore throat feels better by then. I'm literally on my 4th cold in 2 months time!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Shower of Happiness
Everyone was so generous and we received many of the items on our registry but there's still more to get. My main priority is my glider :-) We have the perfect place for it in the room. We may go to Babies 'R' Us tonight to exchange some duplicate gifts in order to get it.
I should have some pictures to share soon!
Just wanted to give a shout-out to Kristine and Diana. Two of the greatest friends anyone could ever have. They did SO much to make the shower beautiful and fun! And the theme, "A Star is Born" was genius!
And of course a huge THANK YOU to my mom for insisting on the place and for picking up the tab. It was a wonderful, wonderful day.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Shower's Tomorrow!!!!
But even if all I can do is sit in a chair, it will be freakin' awesome! It's so exciting to know when your shower is!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Belly Update!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
It was an accident! I'm wearing an orange and white striped t-shirt with a hooded sweater open over it and blue jeans. I almost feel like I'm dressed for Halloween! All I need is the skirt and funny shoes. I think I'll have Jay take a picture of me later with a ponytail.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Whoa-ohh, We're Halfway There!
Long time, no update-- what else is new, really...
I'm right between 19 and 20 weeks along which makes me at the halfway point. That is just so hard to fathom! The baby's size is between that of a mango and a cantaloupe. Just nuts right?
I can now officially state that I feel the baby bouncin' around from time to time. That is just totally weird too. My bladder is already working overtime and the lil' kicks to it aren't helping matters!
Besides the constant bathroom trips, getting tired early, and heartburn, I have to say I'm feeling pretty good. I guess I should enjoy these little nuisances while they last!
Last night we finally put our beautiful stroller together the way it will be for the baby. I say 'finally' as if the baby will be here tomorrow or something, lol. Ah well. It's just exciting stuff.
Here's a picture of my belly and a picture of what our stroller looks like right now - except ours is black with light gray detailing.
Enjoy :-)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Not Much to Say
I am currently 17 weeks along, closer to 18 weeks! I will have to post a belly pic on here eventually I guess...
Tomorrow I am visiting my old cronies at HBO. It's always a little weird to go back, but I just love meeting up with my girl Nicole and having lunch at our fav Chinese buffet place. Mmm mmm good! I hope they have my dumplings tomorrow!
Then, tomorrow night Jay and I are heading down the shore for a little getaway. Our friends Mike & Tammy will be joining from Mon-Wed as well. That should be cool. I'm really looking forward to some quality beach time, assuming there are no evil biting flies this time!! There were last week when I went with my mom...
Sorry about being a Debbie-downer in my last post. I think there are just some people, even if you didn't know them personally, whose death can really have an impact on you. With Heath, I think it's a culmination of things. We were very close in age, his death was untimely and accidental, and he just seemed like a genuine, sweet person. For now, he lives on through his daughter, who looks just like him. In one of his last interviews, he said this about having her:
“You’re forced into, kind of, respecting yourself more,” he said. “You learn more about yourself through your child, I guess. I think you also look at death differently. It’s like a Catch-22: I feel good about dying now because I feel like I’m alive in her, you know, but at the same hand, you don’t want to die because you want to be around for the rest of her life.”
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Delayed Reaction
Tags: heath ledger
Neighbor News
I spoke to a friend of mine who is friendly with zoning/property maintenance manager in town about our situation. So he talked to him for me. Apparently the guy thought this was worth looking into because he sat outside their house for 2 hours and observed all their shenanigans!
The owner was slapped with a notice stating that they needed to get their act together in 30 days or they'd be issued a summons. They got in trouble for the number of cars in the yard, the bicycles up against our fence, running a moped repair business, among other things. Apparently, this was kind of a big deal. The town doesn't take kindly to these situations especially when there are many people living in one house. It's just unsafe.
So, this is why for the past almost two weeks, it has been so peaceful and quiet! Only 1-2 cars in the driveway, no mopeds, and like no people at all. They still need to move the bikes but this is a great start.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Surreal Life
Jay has a very good relationship with his ex landscaping boss, Fred (Jay did landscaping for about 10 years with him during HS and college.) Fred is like a father to him and Jay is like the son he never had.
On Jay's birthday, Fred's mother passed away. Several people commented on the connection because Jay was also close to her. When they landscaped, Jay and Fred with have lunch with her everyday and Jay has kept in touch with her ever since.
Fred was the sole heir to her estate. Her house is about a mile from ours and in the same town as my in-law's. It's a great house with great features like an in-ground pool, cabana, fireplace, formal dining room, 2 car garage, super private property etc..
All Fred talks about lately, and it seems we talk to him daily, is that he wants us to have the house and that he'll do whatever he has to do. He shows us around and says "This is the baby's room, this is your pool. You might want to get new cabinets..." etc.
Tonight we're having our realtor look at our house since we did lots of work to it. We want to get an idea of what it could sell for. Fred wants to be sure we get we what deserve on our place. What baffles us is that he's said that he's made his decision and he doesn't want strangers in his mother's house and that nothing would've made her happier. He's already told the neighbor's about us!
This all just seems like a dream because our current house and this one are in completely different leagues. In fact, our lot is only 1/3 of the size of his house!
We know how much he loves Jay and that he is very wealthy, so maybe he really is being THAT generous as to let us have the house for very little money. He knows that we are just starting out and don't have an excess...
It's so very weird. June, my mother-in-law, thinks he's going to surprise us somehow or maybe he'll tell us that his mother left Jay the house...
Jay and I keep trying to not get our hopes up but Fred makes it very hard!
He's constantly "selling" us on the house by telling us how great it is and jokes that are mail is already coming there. He apologizes for some of the junk that's still there, assuring us that he'll clear it all out and that "his guys" will do all the landscaping before we move in and that he'll get a new pool cover! He had a neighbor that's a flipper approach him and it pissed him off. He knows Jay and I would take care of the place and not just tear it down.
I think his father had this home custom built in the 50's and this is all very emotionally driven.
Kudos to you for reading all that!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Neighbors Break Good Fences
We live in a great town and neighborhood. We never thought we'd get our own little place there, but somehow we did.
The only problem I have is our back neighbors. Their entire large backyard is gravel and they park like 5 cars back there, one of which is always right next to the back of our fence. Why? I have no idea. And they like to work on it while it's parked there and they always have their music blasting. These folks are classy. They have an indoor style leather couch out back and on the front porch and they stay outside all year long and as well as a full size refrigerator. They have a dirt bike that they ride around on in circles back there because it's probably illegal, but most of the time they just rev the engine for an hour at a time. This is incredibly loud and when my windows are open, my house smells like gasoline. I've almost called the police on them for that and you can bet your butt that I will when the baby comes. My biggest gripe of late is their encroachment on our property. The car being so close to the fence and the fact that when they grill, they have the grill next to our fence. Why?? They recently put up a clothesline that they actually use back there as well. One of the ends of it is tied on our tree. I've noticed for a while that our fencing is leaning in towards our yard and it's been a cause of concern. I just discovered why. They have tires and 3-4 bikes leaning up against it! Now I'm pissed. They have zero concern for their own property let alone ours. Their fence on the other side has missing pieces so obviously wrecking ours doesn't seem to bother them. What rights do I have? Especially now that they could be ruining our fence? They don't speak english so I can't even talk to them. The fence isn't super high and we step down to the yard from the house so I always see what crap they are pulling. There's no avoiding it.
Tags: house
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Plum's the Word
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Timing is Everything
For months I stressed about planning my pregnancy around work.
Well, my co-worker and I run our department ourselves so I've been concerned about telling her my news since it could affect our big annual auction that happens every March.
She pulled me into an empty office last Thursday and told me SHE'S pregnant!!!!!!! I couldn't contain myself and so my face must've given it away and she said, "You're pregnant too?!" I said, "Yeah!" She said, "When are you due?" I said, "Jan. 11th, how about you?" She said, "Feb. 14th!" We just could not stop cracking up!!! It's just the craziest, funniest, thing! We decided to tell our boss, the school director, together.
As I expected/hoped, she was SO happy and excited for us that she screamed, "You're both pregnant!" Then everyone in the office came in. It was so funny. We all laughed about how the baby room will be crowded and my director had the idea that we could empty out one of our offices temporarily and have 2 cribs in there! How cool is that!
What a relief! I'm so glad this is over with and that we were able to tell her at the same time.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Silly Me
I work in a school office and every single day someone in here is running to get coffee or lunch or something and whenever they ask me if I want anything, I decline. I do because I'm overly thrifty and I bring lunch and waters everyday.
Well, this morning, the office manager called and said she was going to Starbucks because she had lots of giftcards from parents and she asked if I wanted something. So I said, "Sure, a small iced passion tea."
She just brought it in and said, "I think it was like $2, whenever you have it, you don't have to give it to me now." I only have 2 sad dollars in my wallet right now!
I totally thought this was a freebie since she was using her supply of giftcards!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
BIG News!
Jay and I are expecting!
You heard right, Jay and I are looking forward to meeting our own little one in January, 2009.
I'm only now posting because we've been telling friends and family little by little and didn't want anyone super close to read this here first!
So far so good. I haven't thrown up but get nauseous if I let myself get hungry. We had one ultrasound and saw the heartbeat -- that really made it real. The doctor says all is well as well.
I'll keep you posted!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tune in TOMORROW between 5-7am and see my school, The Village School in Waldwick on NBC's Today in New York (channel 4)! Meteorologist, Chris Cimino will be broadcasting the weather from here with our 3rd year, elementary students all morning long!!
We are so excited! The only thing I'm NOT excited about is getting here at 4am!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Our school had a spring concert last night and flowers were borrowed from a local nursery for it. Afterwards, we were allowed to purchase them if we wanted. I bought this azalea topiary to plant in our front yard. I hope we don't kill it! PS: Yes, That's my messy office!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Happy Spring!
Tags: life, love, wedding
Friday, April 11, 2008
Before & After
I decided that I needed a color change. I've done the chunky blonde highlights for too long-
Tags: beauty
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hung Jury
This experience was so interesting to me, as you've read. I looked forward to coming everyday until we reached deliberations. Things got ugly and tense right away. The only positive thing I can say about the outcome (or lack thereof) is that everyone truly stuck to their guns. No one was willing to waver from their beliefs. At least both sides of this case can know that we battled until the bitter end and really gave this a great deal of thought and effort. They didn't get a jury that was willing to just do whatever needed to be done to get the heck outta there. We wanted to do what was right.
I can't help but think however, about the fact that they have to go through this process all over again. I'd love to know what the new jury thinks. I wonder if I'll ever know.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Juror #3
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The End of an Era
Well here it is, 2008. Gone is the year of our wedding. Wow.
2007 brought many changes - an end to singlehood, a new job, a new car, and a new kitten. Can't ask for anything more that in a single year. It's amazing how quickly it went too.
This year, I vow to have a healthier lifestyle. This goes for Jay too ;-) Of course my kitchen is packed with snacks and cookies from holiday parties right now, so there will be a slight delay. I can't afford to just throw it away, but we'll consume it in moderation so it won't be so bad. I'm feeling very motivated right now and I've been planning this for weeks. I have lots of good ideas running around in my head. I also spend a great deal of time on a particular message board, so I know I have a lot of support from those gals too.
Here's to you all, a Happy 2008! Oh and congrats to Jay's cousin Jodi and her new husband Nick. We just found out last night that they are expecting!!! Oh and Diana & Drew, (Jersey Girl in Chicago,) it's YOUR wedding year now! Time is going to fly!!