Monday, November 7, 2005


So we changed the puppy's name, it is now officially Sadie.  'Hope' was just annoying to say all the time so that's what started it, lol.

She is a sweet lil' 8 week old baby girl. She has trouble walking at times because of her big floppy feet which she has yet to grow into. She also has big long ears. She's adorable and loving. I'm so glad we got her. Rudy, one of my other 2 doggies is still kinda annoyed at her presence. I'm sure they will become great friends someday... Kayla, my other dog, on the other hand, loves the puppy. I think she thinks of it as her own. She's constantly by her and wagging her tail with a big smile on her face- pure love and happiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute name