My brother and I took my family's cat Opie to the vet in Emerson on Friday night. The vet said she looked good for an old cat (approx. 18) but agreed she had a bad wheeze and breathing a bit labored. She recommended some meds to see if it would help. She gave her 3 injections. We took Opie home and she collapsed on the floor, laid in her own vomit, began foaming at the mouth and was struggling to breathe. We called the vet right away and were told that everyone had already left for the night and were unreachable by phone. Our cat was dying! Her tongue was turning deeper shades of purple. Twice she tried to run off and hide. My brother and I picked her up and sped her completely limp body to Oradell Animal Hospital. She was dying in his arms. They immediately took her in and put her on oxygen. We were told she was not getting any better, maybe worse. We had no choice but to put her down. Jay showed up at the hospital on the way home from work and we three stood by her while she was being put to sleep. It kills me that she had to suffer needlessly like that. She was devoted to me. My poor girl.In other news, on Saturday, Jay and I adopted a kitten from RBARI ( We had been planning to but now it's like we ended a life and then saved one right after. Meet Padme'.
((Lesley)) I am so sorry. Do they know what happened, maybe an allergic reaction???
I hope to find out more on Friday when the vet is in. The place in Oradell thought she was overly stressed from the prior vet visit and car ride since she's not used to leaving the house. My brother and I find that hard to believe. Too coincidental that she was on the verge of death shortly after the injections.
I'm so sorry that your little Opie isn't with you anymore :-( But I'm glad you've got sweet Padme now. :-) And I like the bday pics better in that standard format.
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