Tuesday, June 13, 2006

house VENT

We should be coming down to the wire but we're having some really friggin' annoying issues right now.

Baseboard heatig should be the next step, however, the plumber won't do it until the carpeting is in the 2 bedrooms. FFIL (future-father-in-law) says carpeting should go last, he's a contractor, says you don't want someone soldering over new carpet. Also, FFIL wants to put in baseboard molding but can't until heat is in so he knows where it ends.We also need HW floor to be finished. Arrrgh. It's like we're at a standstill.

We've had this house since August. I thought we'd be living there MONTHS ago. All my summer clothes and shoes are packed up and over there.

I just want to be done already!

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